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I love you. My Meditations.

A collection of memoirs, musings and lessons as I go through life. A compilation of notes to self, a dossier documenting experiences in this...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yuna is deep.

Another gem. She's Yuna from Kuantan. Love her voice and her lyrics cut real deep.
Shows a lot of substance and soul.
I like this trait in our young.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Malaysia's girls can sing

It's amazing what you can find when you have an open mind.
This is the second Malaysian songstress I have discovered over the www over the last 2 days and I must say I'm impressed with both of em.

I shall do a post on Yuna next.

For now enjoy Zee Avi (?) You might want to go to my imeem playlist to press pause before listening in. :)
If you can't get enough of her go to www.youtube.com /zeeavi

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To boldly go where no man's ever been...

Most people are not creative...!

When I say creative, I mean, 'ideas being converted into results'

We're moving from the IT Age into the Conceptual Age where we need to convert tons of info into ideas and then results.

So, most people are not creative because:
they have ideas but have no courage to share, even when do, they may not be able to articulate it. and even when they eventually get to articulate it, they may get discouraged when a less than favourable response is received. Or,
they share their brilliant idea, get it approved then they fail to get it implemented. Which is as good as not being creative in the first place.

But aren't we all born creative in the first place?
Yes, otherwise we would never learn to walk. Walking is an idea. The final act of getting up to walk is the result.
As we grow, we become less and less prone to convert ideas to results.

We have become too sensible. Our bodies develop mechanisms to keep us safe.
Everytime something out of the ordinary crops up, the mind kicks in and rejects it because it's something alien, not done before, therefore unsafe, stay away. Danger. You may get hurt, feel uncomfortable.

So how do we overcome this? We say you can overcome this by building and cultivating courage.
Do the uncomfortable things that you know are good for you. Take small steps.
Do courageous deeds everyday. Talk to strangers, talk to your idol?

So how does this look like?
To boldly go where no man has ever been...Star Trek? 95%

Terry Fox ran across North America to raise funds for cancer research, even if he had to crawl!
Tony Fernandez took Air Asia to courageous new frontiers.

Everyone at 95% stand for the untapped potential and we can help cultivate courage to uncover that potential.

Why do we need to be creative? Because the future lies in "What IF?" not "What already IS?"

This was the proposed content of the BFM 89.9 interview with me this morning. But the producer/presenter kept throwing me 'curve balls' making me duck and miss.
Oh well, we had fun! Especially from reading the tweets in the background from my girls back in the office. Miles of smiles:)