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I love you. My Meditations.

A collection of memoirs, musings and lessons as I go through life. A compilation of notes to self, a dossier documenting experiences in this...

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

I love you. I want a reset with you.

Reset Button.
Covid19 Lockdown D13

Whether you like it or not. The universe..nature has pressed the reset button.

Most parts of the world has ground to a halt.
The world today is forced to do nothing. Mother earth is the beneficiary of the world doing nothing. Look at the sky, the trees, the flowers, the grass. Breathe in the sweet air, listen to the birds singing. Listen, see and feel  Mother Nature springing to abundant life. It's only been a matter of weeks. Look at how nature is healing.

Look deeper and see that mother earth is not the sole beneficiary of the world doing nothing.
When we, the world also do nothing, observe the self, the being, springing to abundant life. We experience that by simply doing nothing. Absolutely nothing. Like the streets and highways all over the world. Nothing is happening. Don't resist it, embrace it, welcome it. This is the much needed rest you've always needed.

Go hibernate. Sleep. Read. Work if you must. Do whatever you want to do with yourself or your loved ones. But better; If you can do nothing. It's for yourself. Your own well being. Just catch up on everything you've always wanted to catch up with. Do it. 

But for at least 10 minutes each day, spend it on being with yourself. Meditate. Meditation is about sitting down, silencing the mind by just focussing on your breathing.(or you can go to my post on meditation- HERE)

Do this everyday and your life will transform like nature. Abundantly.
Go ahead do it. Start now. You only have two more weeks.
Or don't. But you and I know this will steel us spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and physically to face the oncoming challenges. 

Go ahead. Do nothing. You might really enjoy it.

I love you.

Stay tuned. Literally.

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