What is a Spiritual Vision?
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Photo by Tom Gainor on Unsplash |
Sounds really deep doesn't it? Sounds like you'd have to shave your head, retreat into a cave deep in the mountains, sit and contemplate your life, doesn't it?
Well not quite.
Thanks to Preethaji & Krishnaji, founders of O&O Academy, it simply means deciding which inner state to operate from. But before we decide which inner state to be constantly in, the question of WHY arises. Why do we have to decide on a spiritual vision?
Because, in our brain, there are 100 billion neurons, a trillion support cells called neuroglia and at least 100 trillion neural connections. Our thoughts and emotions are like electrical impulses moving at incredible speeds between neurons.
According to Jennifer Hawthorne, bestselling co-author of Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul, human beings have 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day, and the majority of them are repetitive.
And a shocking 80 percent of our ordinary mental chatter are negative. Which means most people on average live 80 percent of their time in a suffering state unconsciously, and 20 percent of the time in a beautiful state.
To truly come alive, we must reverse the ratio. Gradually the 20 percent must become 40 percent, 60 percent, 80 percent or more living in a beautiful state. Imagine how beautiful life would be.
So A Spiritual Vision is not a goal to reach. It is simply this;
It refers to the very state you choose to live in as you go about reaching your goals. It is, in fact, the mother of all visions.
Let's say you have a vision of being a leader, a partner, parent, or a CEO. Those are roles.
They're all about doing. What about your inner state every day?
Would you be ok with fulfilling the role of a leader, partner, parent, CEO in a state of confusion, frustration or guilt?
Or would you like to fulfill these roles while living in a beautiful state of connection and clarity?
Imagine a happy parent? A fulfilled partner, or A grateful CEO?
So I think the most important decision we can ever hold on to is this;
From which state do we want to live every day of our lives? From which state do we want to create our destiny?
There are only two states of being- A beautiful state or A suffering state. You get to choose.