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I love you. My Meditations.

A collection of memoirs, musings and lessons as I go through life. A compilation of notes to self, a dossier documenting experiences in this...

Sunday, November 07, 2021

I love you. A Spiritual Vision.

 What is a Spiritual Vision?

Photo by Tom Gainor on Unsplash

Sounds really deep doesn't it? Sounds like you'd have to shave your head, retreat into a cave deep in the mountains, sit and contemplate your life, doesn't it?

Well not quite. 

Thanks to Preethaji & Krishnaji, founders of O&O Academy, it simply means deciding which inner state to operate from. But before we decide which inner state to be constantly in, the question of WHY arises. Why do we have to decide on a spiritual vision?

Because, in our brain, there are 100 billion neurons, a trillion support cells called neuroglia and at least 100 trillion neural connections. Our thoughts and emotions are like electrical impulses moving at incredible speeds between neurons. 

According to Jennifer Hawthorne, bestselling co-author of Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul, human beings have 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day, and the majority of them are repetitive. 

And a shocking 80 percent of our ordinary mental chatter are negative. Which means most people on average live 80 percent of their time in a suffering state unconsciously, and 20 percent of the time in a beautiful state.

To truly come alive, we must reverse the ratio. Gradually the 20 percent must become 40 percent, 60 percent, 80 percent or more living in a beautiful state. Imagine how beautiful life would be.

So A Spiritual Vision is not a goal to reach. It is simply this; 

It refers to the very state you choose to live in as you go about reaching your goals. It is, in fact, the mother of all visions.

Let's say you have a vision of being a leader, a partner, parent, or a CEO. Those are roles. 

They're all about doing. What about your inner state every day? 

Would you be ok with fulfilling the role of a leader, partner, parent, CEO in a state of confusion, frustration or guilt?

Or would you like to fulfill these roles while living in a beautiful state of connection and clarity? 

Imagine a happy parent? A fulfilled partner, or A grateful CEO?  

So I think the most important decision we can ever hold on to is this;

From which state do we want to live every day of our lives? From which state do we want to create our destiny?

There are only two states of being- A beautiful state or A suffering state. You get to choose.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

I love you. Summer is Autumn in New York.

 Today is Summer's birthday. 

As birthdays and summer go, they bring great Joy to everyone everywhere.

I had the precious joy of assembling a goodie bag of sorts, with a little help from my friends at the florist and work creating little bundles of delight.

Then the joy of discovery, after delivery of the unique combinations, that she's safely back at the big apple. Pursuing her heart's desire once again.
It seems like only a short while ago that I left the girl then perched atop Columbus Circle at The Mandarin Oriental overlooking Central Park in New York city. She had settled into dance school to begin her journey into music and drama at AMDA. That was six years ago. 

It must have been a fabulous journey seeing where she is now. Back to doing what she loves doing most- Musical Theatre and Dance.

There is great joy revelling in that thought today. 

Here's wishing you A Happy Birthday and Bon Voyage on yet another great adventure.

Just remember this; "Our ceiling is your floor" ~ Daughter (Venus-Sleeping at last)
And as you spread your joy, May you find Joy in everything you do.

Thursday, September 09, 2021

I love you. Cooped Up & Comfortable.

Of Lush Rut and Rainbows

Photo by Sophie Louisnard on Unsplash

"Lush Rut", a good friend introduced this term to me. He used it to describe a situation whereby a person is so comfortable staying home that she refuses to step out of their abode during the MCO. 

Reflecting on this, perhaps the term to describe my own self incarceration, which actually comes pretty close to lush rut is 'cooped up and comfortable'. Too comfortable at times.

I figure it's time to venture beyond the market places and eating places to get back to nature.

So at the end of the last day of the week, after the thunderstorm has receded, I don my walkies and take big strides up and down the tree-lined avenues of the premises. 

I taste the raindrops as I saunter westward admiring the red prawn sky, coloured by the setting sun. I notice the lilac coloured blooms of the Jacarandas are starting to litter the road.

Round the corner, up the slope heading east, I leave the sun-crumpled sky behind me.

As I ascend the gentle slope, I hear a child's incessant cry, like a town crier in the days of old; "Everybody look, there's a rainbow here" " Everybody look, there's a rainbow here" pointing eastwards. 

I look up and there it was, a majestic rainbow that has formed almost completely arching the eastern high-rise dotted skyline of the suburb. Then I look in the direction of the 'town crier' and I see a little boy's head just barely clearing the balcony sill. His brown face and mop of hair revealed an innocent lad of no more than 4 or 5 years young, smiling back at me.

I cried back; "Thank you for showing me such a beautiful sight. If not for you I would have missed this wonderful rainbow" He smile and turned to look at his mother who was sitting next to him. The equally brown skinned, young mother amplified my gratitude to her son. We all smiled, I waved them a fond goodbye and continued up the slope admiring the clarity of the huge multi-coloured arch that was especially large that other residents stopped to pose for selfies down on the main road.

The rays of the setting sun had brilliantly captured the last sprays of rainfall at the end of the thunderstorm, to form a picture perfect rainbow even a child can appreciate and shout about. 

I proceeded with my saunter as the evening turns to twilight like a thick carpet of indigo descending upon the tree-lined landscape. The warm lighting in the windows and doorways frame golden patches against the bluish darkness. Hence the golden hour, the time that home and family beckon at day's end, the return to loved ones after work. 

I walk another lap round the U-shaped circuit to wander in the twilight settings, watching the remaining patch of light in the far horizon fade to blue as the lone magpie sings her final song before flying home to her nest. And I see the usual runners and walkers still rounding the circuit in their individual quest for health or space. Then I wonder what happened to the others? Do they not yearn for space or freedom from their cramped spaces especially if family is abound? Do they suffer in silence or are they in constant conflict in cramped spaces? I certainly hope not, judging from only the handful who roam our spacious grounds, the rest are perhaps happy in a 'lush rut'.

 I think to myself, as I head home to my coop to roost on a single ticket. How different would it be, if during the MCO I had family to share a home with not only at day's end but all day and night?

Good night. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

I love you. My aww #3. The spy who loved me.

 Alone Again. But...

I find myself alone in my room once again. Alone again. 

Just like I was alone more than 24 hours ago, waiting in eager anticipation for him to pick me up. 

Now that he has delivered me back from what seems to be a delectable and delightful night and day, I am back again to being alone. I used to be happy being alone but not this time. 

Not now. Now I feel a certain emptiness. Like I was torn from a wholeness which I only briefly experienced for just over 24 hours. Now I can’t wait to see him again. It’s so strange. 

I have not experienced this feeling in a long time. At least not after such a short first encounter. 

Wait. It’s all happening so fast. Too fast. 

I’m trying to recall what happened while I float around my apartment packing for our trip tomorrow. 

Wait. How long am I packing for? It doesn’t matter I’m packing as much as I can. 

Wait. Where are we going? I don’t care. I just want to be with him, wherever he takes me. 

Wait. I haven’t said yes but he wasn’t rushing me. He wanted me to see the facility first and then he wanted me to take my time to decide. 

Wait. Am I walking into a trap? 

Wait. Wait! 

That’s what I have been doing all my life. Waiting. 

Now I am asking myself in all honesty. What am I waiting for? Haven’t I lived my life in pursuit of the unknown? For adventure?  Isn’t this what I have signed up for? 

Before I can even hear myself think, I find myself texting like an infatuated school girl on the phone with him again. 

At the end of the long night, I finally settled down to recalibrate my senses and my sense of mission. After clearing my head, I placed an encrypted call to Berlin to report my position. I received clearance and was cautioned to ensure our subject has not even the slightest hint of being under observation. I replied in the affirmative. They ended the communique by assigning me my next mission to Sri Lanka. But what about the Covid situation there? The line went dead. 

“It does look like your quest for adventure is unfolding fast young lady”, I told myself before I fall into much needed deep sleep, forgetting to brush my teeth, that night. 

To be continued.

Monday, August 09, 2021

I love you. Departures.


There are those whose wings
Learn to catch the winds
Before the rest of us.

Their world opens, vast
They soar, so fast.
(Too fast?)

And are gone, free forever.
We say "See you there"
(with a hint of despair)

For alone, we know not how.

We yearn to take flight
But we know, to earn the right
Would be to leap without fear.

Now is not our time.

For that glory so sublime
A thousand miles 
and years remain.

Let us think of the skies
And with hope in our eyes
Slowly, surely, learn to fly.

    Fifteen years have flown by, since your departure from this world. Still not a day goes by   that you are not with us. What joy you bring in your presence and in your absence.                   

             For it is in knowing and having you in our lives that make this life a lot more worthwhile and more worth living. So; Here's to living and dying and dying and living. 

            After all; Departures are Arrivals as Endings are Beginnings. See you there. Son.




Wednesday, August 04, 2021

I love you. Ode to a Cat

Lush Pussy. Wide Berth. Narrow Catwalk.

In Memoriam- Dorsi

I have never shared space with a pussy as lush as you before. 
We met under strange circumstances. You were trapped in my apartment for days. 
You crept in and hid somewhere in my bedroom, unknowingly I locked up and left.
Your owners frantic. I had to cut short my stay at the farm to return to give you release.
Ever since, you roam as you please in the space between your apartment and mine. 
I see you and you see me and both giving each other a wide berth. 

Neither of us needed company. Neither needed to be stroked or touched. 

We respected each other's space, to be in silent solitude or to just chill, together or apart. 

It didn't matter if we didn't see each other for weeks or months, our space is still our                                 sanctuary for sanity. The less we say to each other, the more we respect each other. 

Now that you're gone, I feel the emptiness, like the space we have shared all these years. 

An emptiness that is not quite empty. An emptiness that can only be felt when one is missing.

I shall miss you and our shared emptiness. 

I take comfort in knowing that you have finally found your lush wings, 

made your final narrow walk on our balcony sill and took flight. 

Goodbye my silent companion. Till we meet again, thanks for your company.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

I love you. Infinite Wisdom.

 As Deep As The Ocean

Photo by Maryna Yazbeck on Unsplash

All experiences are like bubbles appearing momentarily on the surface of the ocean. 

They arise depending on the weather, the winds and the motion of the water. 

Similarly, all phenomena including your thoughts and emotions are merely the flow of energy, arising and dissolving. You can't grasp or hold onto a bubble. Your family, friends and possessions are like bubbles appearing out of mind's empty essence- the Ocean of Wisdom. 

The bubbles are not the source of happiness- this Ocean of Wisdom is. 

Therefore when the bubbles vanish, your happiness will not disappear. These bubbles are actually a wondrous display. 

Understanding it in this way, you will be inspired to swim like a fish in this Ocean of Wisdom.

Monday, July 26, 2021

I love you. Jon @31

 Knocking On Heaven's Door

That would be your anthem, among many of course. I chose this one because it reminds me of the mortality of the human form. The surety that as each of us is born we must each surely die. The best line thus far depicting and driving home this fact for me is encapsulated in this cheeky quote; “ do not get too serious with life, nobody gets out alive” So it is and was on that score( hmm.. I’m wondering if any great composer has a music score on that? Must check) that you, me and largely the conscious have come to live life. 

I still remember back when you and your band chose to sing this song, I was a little disturbed but gave it no further thought as I marked Guns & Roses under the genre of heavy metal and hard rock. They’re meant to be rebellious and provocative and I had little interest in them. 

However upon further introspection over time, this song holds much truth for living as much as it is about dying. We must come to terms with death before we can start living. 

Originally composed by Bob Dylan for the Sam Peckinpah movie- Pat Garret and Billy the Kid, this song is one of the greatest soundtracks of our lives. It has since been covered by many artists including Eric Clapton and GnR. Peckinpah also made the epic western- The Wild Bunch, that revised the entire western genre with innovative storytelling, and real depictions of violence in his interpretations. His characters are mostly loners and losers who desire to be honourable but are forced to compromise in a world of injustice and brutality. He inspired many filmmakers notably John Woo, who framed most of his shots inspired by Peckinpah, who pioneered the slow motion action sequences and Woo became iconic for using those techniques in his movies.

The song was written to the lyrics depicting the movie, there's nothing to it. 

Jon’s take was purely band and pop (rebel)culture driving the young of his time. It was after all 2004 and you were 14 and not much of a rebel. The oft repeated phrase keeps coming back in reprise. The rebuttal on my lips every time is;  aren’t we all, Knocking on Heaven’s door? Well you knocked and the door opened for you. You lucky bastard! Son of a Gan! I always see that cheeky grin of yours, it's a certain delightful knowing that it's all ok. 

I suppose at 31 you’d know by now that we don't ever really die. We live on in each other even after we die. 

Happy Birthday Son. It is all ok.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

I love you. My Ai Wei Wei #2

 Is she or is she not another spy?


I woke up with a start from a short but blissful sleep to find her lying next to me. Whatever happened the night before seemed like a distant dream. It couldn’t have been real. It seemed too good to be true. It seems overnight a friend turned into a lover. 

Lying next to me so silent, still and warm in the muted morning light, she was in deep peaceful slumber. 

I tried not to move for fear of waking her. As I lay stretched on my side, my shoulder was still hurting from my unexpected scuffle with the Chinese spy months ago, the knife was lodged in-between my shoulder blade and spine, the sharp tip punctured my aorta. I was still healing and secretly hoping the one sleeping next to me isn’t another plant plus I wasn't ready for another blow. Well at least there were no new wounds since last night. Still I knew I had to be cautious. But so far I could tell she’s no mortal danger to me. I did my homework she’s got the goods for the mission. 

Question is; whether she’s willing and at what price. I was about to find out. 

She woke up as I was looking at how beautifully comfortable she slept. She turned to me and smiled, as though she had done this to me a thousand times before. Maybe that’s why she looked so beautiful. It just seemed so natural and deeply intimate. I leaned over and kissed her. 

It wasn’t until about noon that we finally dressed to go downstairs for a late breakfast. Though still in the dress and heels she wore the night before, she looked every bit as resplendent. Now even more radiant. 

We ate breakfast and drank coffee with languid casualness showing no signs of missing a dinner promised last night. Satiated with our first meal of the day, we drifted back to the living room for more lovemaking on the couch. 

Later in the afternoon, I drove her back, we parted reluctantly, only to reconnect via text of what remains of the day, talking later in the night, making plans to journey south to mission headquarters. 

When we met the following day, we both agreed it already felt too long. We buckled up for the delightful road trip not caring if we arrive. We finally did, only to see her joy and approval of mission headquarters. She was sold. We spent the next eighteen days and nights together. With no visible wounds to show. 


To be continued. 

Sunday, July 18, 2021

I love you. Brickfields

 There's no place like Brickfields on a Sunday afternoon.

A typical lazy Sunday would have me eating lunch at 3pm ideally in Brickfields. I'd be spoilt for choice for either Peter's Pork Noodles or Moorthy's legendary Fried Fish on Banana leaf rice, both are tucked away in a secluded but bustling food court coffee shop in the middle of Brickfields. 

Today at 3.30 pm only Peter's stall remains open in a near empty food court, Ah Lai, his ever reliable right-hand man, expertly prepares my usual order, then packs it tightly for me with equal vigour and enthusiastic chatter. I bid him a warm farewell and left promptly with my favourite pork noodles.

Normally after being satiated, a walk would be recommended- firstly to allow the food to settle into the lower reaches of the body and second, to take in the sights and delights this rich little Indian settlement has to offer. 

The 200-meter walk from our food court to the bustling old quarter takes us pass one of the last remaining historical landmark of the district- the Vivekananda Ashram beautifully built by Jaffna Tamils in 1908. This center of education was built in  recognition of their founder being a key member in raising interfaith awareness worldwide and in getting Hinduism recognised as a major world religion at the end of the 19th Century.

Today that walk would still take you past the Vivekananda Ashram, but it would bring little joy apart from the fact that it was recently awarded a National Heritage site, the shops are mostly shuttered, the streets deserted. 

Past that, you're entering the old commercial center of Brickfields where it all began- merchants of all trade hawk their wares in the shops, on the walkways, spilling onto the pedestrian walk. It used to be as colourful and as noisy as the beautiful and gregarious people of the mystical nation of India but today it takes on muted hues and tones. The shops are only half open but the businesses are still spilling out on the streets- fruits, vegetables, desserts and sweetmeats are on display on street vendors' carts. 

One particular vendor caught my eye, selling tea time snacks- fried spicy indian doughnuts- vada, green pea balls, curry puffs, samosas, boiled chick peas and a huge pot of masala tea. I excitedly purchased a little of everything including the masala teh tarek, which was served in an open paper cup as takeaway. 

As I sat in my car sipping my tea, I glance at the stalls and shops that lined the long thoroughfare serving the small crowd, I see a time when it was bustling, busy, colourful and chaotic and I wonder when will that be again. Who knows? For now my masala tea taste simply heavenly and visiting Brickfields on a Sunday afternoon always hits the right spots in me. Though they're a little muted, they're nonetheless beautiful. 


Friday, July 16, 2021

I love you. Folk Tales- The Emperor's New Clothes.

 The emperor Has No Clothes. 

When you fail to learn, whether from history or what is evidently happening in your country. Then you have lost the plot. 

Especially if your plot is to hang on to the crown you clearly grabbed when the pendulum swung in your direction. 

Unless you’ve been quarantined in your bathroom suffering from unstoppable diarrhoea, you have clearly demonstrated your stripe. I was about to compare your stripe to that of the hyena, but I wouldn’t want to insult the latter. 

You are no different from the deposed chairman who quipped about two trains kissing when hundreds were injured in a train mishap recently. Both of you are cut from the same cloth.

You joked about raising your blue flag, when the black and white flags hoisted by the people were cries of desperation and despair. 

You strut the public domain thinking we admire your prowess at power grabbing and court intrigue. Knowingly or unknowingly, you have just disrobed yourself for all to see. 

What an ugly sight it was to be forced upon. The truth in this case is truly ugly.

You and your kind. No matter how you adorn yourselves we can see through you. 

We now cannot un-see what we saw. And we shall never want to see, ever again in a person leading our nation.

This is one Farewell we can’t wait to bid you. 

You have just promoted a minister, during whose watch, saw new record high numbers of cases and deaths. 

Now we know why our nation is losing in this Covid war. You and your kind have no interest and no clue about what is happening in the real world. You are lost in another world. Totally lost. 

Instead of commending the rakyat for starting positive initiatives like the white flag movement to care for and feed each other, you told us to not believe in them. 

This was clear when you failed to show any shred of sympathy or understanding of the people’s pain during your public address yesterday. 

The people were looking for some comforting words from their leader. You instead rubbed the hopelessness of the situation in their faces by making quips like raising blue flag instead of black or white flags and full kitchens. And that the T20s are also suffering. Insensitive? Or simply incapable of any form of compassion or feeling or you just simply don't care?

Yesterday- July 15, has to go down as one of the saddest day in history for Malaysians, not only because there are people starving or dying, the people living are devoid of hope when hope and leadership are most needed now.

Before bed, as I trawl the thick and fertile plains of social media channels, I find countless, and endless laments, essays, videos, blogs, vlogs, twits, tik-tocs, pleas, cries and rants on the state of our nation and our leaders and I find myself joining them in chorus. "The emperor has no clothes" and maybe then they will slowly listen and do something.

Good night and good luck Malaysia.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

I love you. Keep Calm and Hold on. (Yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism, Stoicism)

 Yogic Culture births Hinduism. Hinduism births Buddhism. And perhaps Stoicism?

In times like these, one is tempted to be sucked into the doldrums that besiege our nation- the alarming number of Covid cases has become a daily scoreboard for public sentiment. At time of writing, the numbers are at an all time high of 11,618 new cases. The higher the numbers climb, the more the hopeless masses sink into despair. Who can blame them? Their livelihoods have been severely curtailed, jobs have been wiped out, businesses have shutdown for months now. No solution is yet in sight.

How will people feed themselves or their families? How do they even survive? 

Here I distract myself from answering questions that have no plausible answers but write about spirituality because spirituality is where I seek solace and more importantly, clarity. While solace is a temporary feeling, clarity is actionable.

While I try to maintain an even keel with my life grounded in Stoicism principles outlined in my previous blog- Here- Stoicism, I am also a devotee of Hinduism, deeply rooted in the Yogic culture. 

I have come to realise there are great similarities in the two. Whether they are related or not I do not know.

I would like to highlight 5 Yogic Principles extolled numerous times by one of the most lucid and eloquent thinker and speaker on the subject of life. 

With great reverence and gratitude I would like to share practical enlightenment from Sadhguru.

1. Keep Account of Your Joy.

Everyday (Covid or no) all sorts of things and events happen to our life, most of which we have no control over. So what's important is that no matter what happens in our life situation, we must stay joyful and keep score of how many moments of Joy you have. Joy is not a goal to attain, joy is available to you at any time. Joy means you're at ease with no pain in the body or trouble in the mind. 

These are the only two kinds of human suffering- body and mind. 

Joy means life has come to ease you not mess you up. If you are at ease, your are in Joy. 

2. Eating With Gratitude.

Whatever you eat, just like whatever you do, you must do it consciously. There is life in food, as we consume it, it gives us life, keeping us alive. Therefore it is life giving material, so whatever and whenever we eat we must eat with reverence and gratitude. Especially now, when people aren't certain when they will have their next meal.

3. Connecting With The Earth.

This very earth that we walk upon has a certain power and memory. After all, all life on this planet has come out of this earth. Spend a few minutes outdoors in your garden, staying in touch with mother earth, touching the soil with our palms and our soles to connect with nature, touching the plants, the flowers and the trees. 

This is the basis of our life, this will harmonise our system. 

4. Wake Up With A Smile.

Before going to sleep each night, sit in bed for two minutes and imagine you're going to die in two minutes time. Then see how you sleep. You will see that when or if you wake up you will feel like a 'newborn'. If you are still alive, then give yourself a Big Smile. Statistics show some people may not wake up tomorrow morning. Being alive is the greatest thing happening to you. Not your possessions, not your family, not your titles or achievements. You're Alive right now. So Smile. Life is indeed very brief.

5. Resolve to get High on Life.

Your ability to live on this planet is essentially how well you can harness your body and your mind. To harness this, it's very important to keep a little space between You and your body and You and your mind. Remember whatever suffering is only experienced in the body or the mind. There is no other kind of suffering- only Physical suffering and Mental suffering. When you can keep a little distance between You and the body and mind, there is no fear of suffering. If you can do this for just a few minutes a day, you will truly get high on life. 

Only then you will explore the full depth and dimension of this life. 

All you need to resolve to do is;  Meditate.

If you'd like to do so, go to my earlier posts > Meditation #1, or Meditate #2, or Be Still  or Meditation #4 or just scroll down to the last post before this. Try it. It's highly recommended.

Stay Safe. Stay Joyful.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

I love you. Self Healing Meditation.

Strengthening The Immune System

HalGatewood.com on Unsplash

There is a simple but powerful self healing meditation that you can do whenever you feel the need to boost your immune system. It is particularly effective if used when you feel the first symptoms of an illness, but it also works with illnesses that are already entrenched, if you  use it at frequent intervals and with an intense focus. It will also counteract any disruption of your energy field by some form of negativity.

Here it is;

When you are unoccupied for a few minutes, and especially last thing at night before falling asleep and first thing in the morning before getting up, "flood" your body with consciousness.

Close your eyes. Lying flat on your back, choose different parts of your body to focus your attention on; Head, Neck, Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Chest, Abdomen, Hips, Thighs, Knees, Calves, Ankle, Feet and Toes. Feel the life energy inside these parts as intensely as you can. Stay with each part for fifteen seconds or more.

Then let your attention run through the body like a wave a few times, from head to toes and back again. This need only take a minute or so. After that , feel the inner body in its totality as a single field of energy. Hold that feeling for a few minutes.

Be intensely present during that time, present in every cell of your body.

Don't be concerned if the mind occasionally succeeds in drawing your attention out of your body and you lose yourself in some thought. As soon as you notice that this has happened, just return your attention to the inner body.

Please don't just accept or reject what is written here, Put it to the test.

Stay Safe. Stay Present.

Sunday, July 04, 2021

I love you. 4th of July

 Saturday in The Park 

In such a "Saturday in the park" kinda mood today. 

Perhaps it's because I took a stroll around the premises today, round the pool, by the garden, the trees, and soaked up some sun after a fabulous Saturday night.  Plus it's the 4th of July. 

This song, written by Robert Lamm, founder of Chicago, aptly captures the emotions and feelings of going to the park and indulging in activities in the park. In this case Central Park in NYC. Lamm was reportedly very excited after visiting and seeing the activities there- the steel drum players, singers, dancers, and jugglers. He said; "Man, it's time to put music to this!". Also the peace and love thing with people spending time and enjoying each others presence.  The lyrics are simple, poetic and as vivid as the colours they amplify. Like this line;

"Slow motion riders fly the colors of the day" He was describing kids riding bicycles tied with balloons.

Enjoy the song, the video and Central Park. Happy 4th of July everyone, especially people in America.



Saturday in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
Saturday in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
People dancing, people laughing
A man selling ice cream
Singing Italian songs
Eh Cumpari, ci vo sunari
Can you dig it? (Yes, I can)
And I've been waiting such a long time
For Saturday
Another day in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
Another day in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
People talking, really smiling
A man playing guitar (play the song)
(Play the song, play on)
And singing for us all
Will you help him change the world?
Can you dig it? (Yes, I can)
And I've been waiting such a long time
For today
Slow motion riders fly the colors of the day
A bronze man still can tell stories his own way
Listen children all is not lost, all is not lost, no, no, no
Funny days in the park
Every day's the Fourth of July
Funny days in the park
Every day's the Fourth of July
People reaching, people touching
A real celebration
Waiting for us all (waiting for us all)
If we want it, really want it
Can you dig it? (Yes, I can)
And I've been waiting such a long time
For the day, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hmm hmm
Hmm hmm
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Robert William Lamm
Saturday in the Park lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Universal Music Publishing Group, Spirit Music Group, BMG Rights Management

Thursday, July 01, 2021

I love you. Mind.

 I Am Not My Mind.

During this prolonged lockdown, the mind is probably the most overworked and overused organ of the human body. 
Question is; do you use it or does it use you?

Your answer will determine whether you have a happy or depressed lockdown or lockup.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

I love you. Beginnings.

 Meditation for Beginnings.

Sit with spine comfortably erect, in a cross-legged posture. 
Rest your hands, palms up on your thighs or in your lap.
Drop your shoulders and relax your whole body.
Bring your attention to your breathing. 
Inhale deeply and as you exhale, relax into it. 

Feel your body fully relaxed as you calmly settle down and focus on one thing you want to do that is not currently part of your life.
Be specific and imagine what it would look like, feel like. It may be meditating or exercising daily,
or learning something new or doing something creative - writing, singing, dancing, painting, - or simply being more patient with those you love. 
Pick something that has meaning for you.

See yourself beginning this activity. Imagine the state of mind, body and emotion ideally required to begin. How do you want to be feeling mentally, emotionally, and physically when you start? 
Imagine yourself as you ideally want to be to begin.
Stay with this for a few breaths.

Now, be aware of how you are feeling mentally, emotionally, and physically at this moment. 
Feel the gap, if you can, between where you want to be and where you are. 
Let your attention follow your inhalation and exhalation, take a few moments to to feel, without judgement, the gap between where you are and where you want to be- or think you should be- to begin.

Now, imagine yourself beginning to do what you want to do, starting from the place you are right now.
See yourself doing it- meditating, exercising, being more patient, learning something, doing something creative- just the way you are. 
Do not pull away from the way you are feeling. Let yourself relax into how things are and imagine doing what you want to do, perhaps not as perfectly, not as ideally as you first imagined it, but doing it anyway. Let go with each exhalation; let yourself feel exactly how you are feeling. 
Give yourself permission to begin from here.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

I love you. Rumi

 Muhammad Jalaluddin Mawlana Rumi  (1207-1273)

Here is another superstar during his time. 

More writer, composer of songs, stories, than just a  poet, Rumi was celebrated as the equivalent of a blues icon. Like Miles Davis. 

Today he is the most celebrated poet of all time ranked the best selling poet in the US.

Rumi was born in Balkh, present day Afghanistan back then it was part of the great Persian empire. He wrote mostly in Persian but his work has influenced many other cultures in the Middle East. Born into a family of Islamic clerics, his father was a religious leader of traditional Islam faith. He lived as a sober scholar, nobleman, theologian and seeker of truth. 

However after a chance meeting with Shams of Tabriz, he became an impassioned seeker of universal truth and love, rising in popularity to become known as the greatest mystic poet. His work is deeply philosophical, from soulful expressions, to passionate love verses filled with desire and yearning. He also wrote anecdotes about life, moral stories, and stories from all three Abrahamic religions. 

He was a rebel, calling for breaking tradition and a soul yearning for freedom from dogma and hypocrisy. He also writes about going against the poison of fear based religions, extolling the remedy in love-based doctrine - a life journey free of guilt, fear and shame. Yet his work is not exclusive, he includes everyone. Therefore to classify or label him a Sufi is an understatement for he is more universal in his approach and is not bound by any cultural limitations. I would say he is a fully evolved human being that touches every one of us. 

Today Rumi's poems and writings are read in almost all houses of worship of all denominations.


"Everything in the Universe is within You.


Ask All from Yourself"  ~ Rumi


    "You Are Not A Drop in the Ocean,


You are The Entire Ocean in A Drop"  ~ Rumi


"Run from What's Comfortable. Forget Safety.


Live Where You Fear To Live.


Destroy Your Reputation. Be Notorious.


I have tried Prudent Planning long enough.


From Now On I'll Be Mad." ~ Rumi



Don't Grieve. Anything you Lose Comes Around in Another Form." ~ Rumi 


"Do Not Feel Lonely, The Entire Universe is Inside You. ~ Rumi


"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.


they're in each other all along."  ~ Rumi



I want to see you.

Know your voice. 

Recognise you when you first come round the corner.

Sense your scent when I come into a room you've just left.

Know the lift of your heel,

the glide of your foot.

Become familiar with the way you purse your lips,

then let them part, just the slightest bit,

when I lean in to your space

and kiss you.

I want to know the joy 

of how you whisper


~ Rumi



A Life without love is a waste.

"Should I look for Spiritual love, or material or physical love?" ,

Don't ask yourself this question.

Discrimination leads to discrimination.

Love doesn't need any category or definition.

Love is a World itself.

Either you are in at the center...

Either you are out, yearning.

~ Rumi


And goodbye for now....

Saturday, June 26, 2021

I love you. The "Final" Invitation.

 Finding Our Way Home

I want to know if you can be alone


with yourself


and if you truly like the company you keep


in the empty moments.




"TELL ME ABOUT A MOMENT of real solitude, a moment when you were with yourself and felt yourself at the center, a moment when you could feel the world, the stars, the galaxies spinning around you."


"Tell me have you met yourself? Have you been able to step outside the business of life for just one moment and look in from the outside, feeling yourself whole and separate and yet with the world."


"There is a tension in living fully, what often feels like an opposition between our longing for the solitude where we can find our own company and the desire to be fully and intimately with the world. When we learn to live with both the desire for separation and the longing for union, we find that they are simply two ways of knowing the same ache: we all just want to go home."


"I have come to accept that no matter how much I am able to be with myself, no matter how much I like my own company, I still long to sit close to and at times to merge completely with another in deep intimacy. This too is coming home. The completeness of self is found when we can be alone and when we can bring all of who we are to another, receiving and being received fully."


"This is the sacred marriage: the coming together of two who have each met themselves on the road. When two who have this intimacy with themselves are fully with each other- whether for a lifetime or for a moment- the world is held tenderly and fed by the image they create simply by being together. They can be friends or family, lovers or life partners, or simply two strangers whose lives intersect for a moment.


They may be telling each other stories, or making love, or sharing a task, or sitting in silence together. It doesn't matter. If having met myself in the empty moments, I am willing and able to bring all of who I am to another, receiving all of who they are, then we are truly together. In that moment in the image our being together creates, we are the manifestation of life holding, creating and feeding life. This is the fullness of the homecoming for which we all long.


~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer.

* Do I feel like crying? Yes. 

Do I want to cry? No. 

I feel the full 'gentle' force of this book like a visit from a stranger who has seen and understood the deepest, darkest recesses of my heart. 


The End.

Friday, June 25, 2021

I love you. Tang Poets.

 Li Bai  (701-762 AD)

Here is China's rock star artist in the form of a Poet. He was the greatest Chinese poet of all time.  
Famous for his creativity in crafting over 1000 poems of great beauty that became significant till this day. His poem were so famous that it caught the attention of the Tang Emperor Xuanzong, who became his great fan. Legend has it that the Emperor was so thrilled by his poetry that he once served Li Bai a bowl of soup over dinner. 
As a result of his genius, Li Bai's influence  grew in the corridors of power and before long he was a victim of court politics and was soon banished from the capital. Unperturbed he turned to his wandering ways and toured the countryside writing poetry and indulging in his favourite past time of drinking wine. Many of his poetry championed drunkenness and glorified it as a lifestyle. A nomadic wanderer, free-spirited romantic and rebel. He was also declared a banished immortal.
He was often drunk and believed to be most inspired when drunk with Chinese wine. In fact, legend had it that he died when trying to walk on water toasting the moon with a cup of wine.

During his time, he shared the honour of best poet with his contemporary Du Fu, and became life long friends. 

Here is his poem bidding farewell to his friend;

Sent to Du Fu below Shaqui City ~ Li Bai

What is it that I've come to now?

High before me: Shaqiu city.

Beside the city, ancient trees;

The sunset joins the autumn sounds.

The Lu wine cannot make me drunk,

Qi's songs cannot restore my feelings.

My thoughts of you are like the Wen's waters,

Mightily sent on their southern journey.

Here are 2 famous creations on longing;

Hearing a Flute on a Spring Nite in Luoyang city ~ Li Bai

From whose home secretly flies the sound of a jade flute?

It's lost amid the spring wind which fills Luoyang city.

In the middle of this nocturne I remember the snapped willow,

What person would not start to think of home!

Thoughts on A Still Night ~ Li Bai

Before my bed, the moon is shining bright,

I think that it is frost upon the ground.

I raise my head and look at the bright moon,

I lower my head and think of home.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

I love you. The Invitation #11.

Deep Sustenance.

"It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom

you have studied,

I want to know what sustains you,

from the inside,

when all else falls away."

"...When all we have relied upon has fallen away, there is nothing to do but wait without faith or hope. How we wait- whether we remain open or closed up- is the choice we have to make, a choice to either live or begin to spiral down toward death. To choose life we have to be willing to wait, open to life and love at a time when opening seems impossible and we are sure that no one and nothing will ever be able to find us."

          "What sustains us, when all else falls away are the things that make waiting and staying open to life             possible. I have been lucky to find three such things in my life- my practices of prayer and                          meditation, writing and spending time close to nature."

"The truth is, I only have to receive and give what I am able. There is no risk. The intimacy, the interconnectedness of all life, that is the love to which we all belong, can only be given and received. It cannot be taken. And when it is given and received, we are sustained."


~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

*In my own experience; When all has fallen away, I eventually realise that all that is left is the real me, devoid of names, titles, labels, and possessions. This is when I meet my true self and see if I really like the company I keep.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

I love you. Tang Dynasty #2

 Religions & Philosophies.

Confucius- Getty Images




During the era of great trade and exchange of cultures with the world, China became a hub for all religions. Many types of religions were observed and practiced. With the common practice of indigenous Taoism, along came Islam, Christianity and Buddhism. 

There was also the generally accepted and widely practiced philosophy of Confucianism. Instead of resisting the pursuit of knowledge of religions, Confucian scholars embraced Buddhism and Taoism to revise some aspects of Confucianism. 

Unlike modern day situations where beliefs and religions clashed, China underwent dynamic transformation in religious and philosophical pursuits mixing and matching different practices. A typical believer could visit a Buddhist temple, make sacrifices to Taoist deities and hang a cross on the wall. It was a mixture of Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism that gave birth to Zen buddhism in Japan.

This policy of inclusiveness and flexibility of religious beliefs and practices further contributed to better understanding and great prosperity among the people local or the international community. It is no wonder the Tang Dynasty was unrivalled at that time.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

I love you. The Invitation #10

 The Fire.

This chapter vividly talks about the transformation in our lives, however painful, to feel the flames and rise from the ashes.


It doesn't interest me who you know

or how you come to be here.

I want to know if you will stand 

in the center of the fire

with me

and not shrink back.

"SOMETIMES WE GO OUT AND SEEK the fire that will burn away what is dross in our lives. More often we awaken suddenly to find ourselves encircled by flame. Intense experiences of the heart transform us. I want to know if you can stand with me, eyes wide open, when the fire- asked for or unbidden- consumes all we think we know. I want to know if you will offer yourself as fuel for the flames and let the Mystery we seek, the Divine we long for, which comes in unpredictable ways, consume and transform you." 

~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer

If the above words don't yet move you. I will say this;

Transformation is about breaking and burning, our persona to break our boundaries beyond our physical persona. To become a larger form to an even larger form to be inclusive of everyone and everything around us, to no form and to live an ordinary life. The ordinary life is already beautiful and is accessible to all. All that is left, is allowing our love to direct our actions to enjoy this ordinary life. Do not take our persona and our existing form too seriously. Fool around more. 

That is transformation. Namaste. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

I love you. Tang Dynasty - Golden Age of China

 Tang Dynasty - Art & Poetry.

During the Golden Age of China, poets and poetry was highly revered amongst royalty, court officials, concubines and commoners. Not only do they appreciate poetry, almost everyone became poets themselves, writing and reciting about life, unfolding in their time.  Records revealed that, thousands of poets had written thousands upon thousands of poetry. Thanks to the Tang court and others who came after, like the Song, Ming, and Ching Emperors, who made it mandatory to archiving volumes of Tang poetry.

 *According to the pre-eminent collection of Tang poetry entitled Complete Tang Poems( Quan Tangshi in Chinese), there were around 49,000 surviving poems divided into 900 volumes and written by a total of 2,200 authors.

They say; Art mirrors Life. And life during the Tang period in China was blossoming. 

Almost all aspects of life were going gloriously well. This was mostly due to the good governance of the Li Family who ruled during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). Li Yuan, the founder was a garrison commander in Taiyuan when revolt against the Sui Dynasty broke out in 613. He marched to the Sui capital, forced the last Sui emperor to abdicate and founded the Tang Dynasty. From here onwards, it took five years of campaigning by the imperial princes Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin before the country was reunified.

Here are some notable achievements during the Tang Dynasty aka China's Golden Era;

• Commerce and Economy - Trade flourished within inter-cities as well as internationally. Merchants flocked to China via the Silk Road opening up trade routes and exchanges of knowledge and culture between East and West flourished. Chang'An, the capital was the largest city in the world rivalling Rome which was the Western equivalent at that time. China was the most powerful and the most prosperous nation on earth.

• Good Governance - Just like all dynasties, it was ruled by a powerful emperor who instituted, modified and carried out reforms within a legal system with laws that benefitted everyone. 

The government of the Tang Dynasty had three basic departments that came up with laws and policies. The framework of rules and laws were all administered by a group that was called the Six Ministries. These ministries were; 


2-personnel administration, 




6-the public works. 

This system worked very well and it actually outlived the Tang Dynasty, which collapsed in the year 907. The government system was actually modelled upon which every dynasty based its own systems. This was also widely used by other kingdoms and countries, including Korea and Vietnam.

Art and Culture - Creativity in the form of culture, art, painting and poetry were heavily promoted during this time. Notably Tang poetry which stood to define Chinese literary culture to this day. 

Some characteristics of Tang poetry.

Tang poetry was strongly connected to religion and had a major impact on the Song Dynasty poetry and even on world literature. The most popular Tang poetry styles included ”jintishi,” used by poets such as Cui Hao and Wang Wei and ”gushi,” used by Li Bai.

The former poetical style is characterized by seven Chinese characters per line, an antithesis between the second and the third couplets, and eight-line stanzas. Poetry contests were very popular and Tang poems were often recited in Classical Chinese, which was spoken during that era.

Here is one of the most famous, that almost all Chinese scholars would know:

Song of Unending Sorrow

China's Emperor, craving beauty that might shake an empire,
Was on the throne for many years, searching, never finding,
Till a little child of the Yang clan, hardly even grown,
Bred in an inner chamber, with no one knowing her,
But with graces granted by heaven and not to be concealed,
At last one day was chosen for the imperial household.
If she but turned her head and smiled, there were cast a hundred spells,
And the powder and paint of the Six Palaces faded into nothing.
...It was early spring. They bathed her in the FlowerPure Pool,
Which warmed and smoothed the creamy-tinted crystal of her skin,
And, because of her languor, a maid was lifting her
When first the Emperor noticed her and chose her for his bride.
The cloud of her hair, petal of her cheek, gold ripples of her crown when she moved,
Were sheltered on spring evenings by warm hibiscus curtains;
But nights of spring were short and the sun arose too soon,
And the Emperor, from that time forth, forsook his early hearings
And lavished all his time on her with feasts and revelry,
His mistress of the spring, his despot of the night.
There were other ladies in his court, three thousand of rare beauty,
But his favours to three thousand were concentered in one body.
By the time she was dressed in her Golden Chamber, it would be almost evening;
And when tables were cleared in the Tower of Jade, she would loiter, slow with wine.
Her sisters and her brothers all were given titles;
And, because she so illumined and glorified her clan,
She brought to every father, every mother through the empire,
Happiness when a girl was born rather than a boy.
...High rose Li Palace, entering blue clouds,
And far and wide the breezes carried magical notes
Of soft song and slow dance, of string and bamboo music.
The Emperor's eyes could never gaze on her enough-
Till war-drums, booming from Yuyang, shocked the whole earth
And broke the tunes of The Rainbow Skirt and the Feathered Coat.
The Forbidden City, the nine-tiered palace, loomed in the dust
From thousands of horses and chariots headed southwest.
The imperial flag opened the way, now moving and now pausing- -
But thirty miles from the capital, beyond the western gate,
The men of the army stopped, not one of them would stir
Till under their horses' hoofs they might trample those moth- eyebrows....
Flowery hairpins fell to the ground, no one picked them up,
And a green and white jade hair-tassel and a yellowgold hair- bird.
The Emperor could not save her, he could only cover his face.
And later when he turned to look, the place of blood and tears
Was hidden in a yellow dust blown by a cold wind.
... At the cleft of the Dagger-Tower Trail they crisscrossed through a cloud-line
Under Omei Mountain. The last few came.
Flags and banners lost their colour in the fading sunlight....
But as waters of Shu are always green and its mountains always blue,
So changeless was His Majesty's love and deeper than the days.
He stared at the desolate moon from his temporary palace.
He heard bell-notes in the evening rain, cutting at his breast.
And when heaven and earth resumed their round and the dragon car faced home,
The Emperor clung to the spot and would not turn away
From the soil along the Mawei slope, under which was buried
That memory, that anguish. Where was her jade-white face?
Ruler and lords, when eyes would meet, wept upon their coats
As they rode, with loose rein, slowly eastward, back to the capital.
...The pools, the gardens, the palace, all were just as before,
The Lake Taiye hibiscus, the Weiyang Palace willows;
But a petal was like her face and a willow-leaf her eyebrow --
And what could he do but cry whenever he looked at them?
...Peach-trees and plum-trees blossomed, in the winds of spring;
Lakka-foliage fell to the ground, after autumn rains;
The Western and Southern Palaces were littered with late grasses,
And the steps were mounded with red leaves that no one swept away.

Her Pear-Garden Players became white-haired
And the eunuchs thin-eyebrowed in her Court of PepperTrees;
Over the throne flew fire-flies, while he brooded in the twilight.
He would lengthen the lamp-wick to its end and still could never sleep.
Bell and drum would slowly toll the dragging nighthours
And the River of Stars grow sharp in the sky, just before dawn,
And the porcelain mandarin-ducks on the roof grow thick with morning frost
And his covers of kingfisher-blue feel lonelier and colder
With the distance between life and death year after year;
And yet no beloved spirit ever visited his dreams.
...At Lingqiong lived a Taoist priest who was a guest of heaven,
Able to summon spirits by his concentrated mind.
And people were so moved by the Emperor's constant brooding
That they besought the Taoist priest to see if he could find her.
He opened his way in space and clove the ether like lightning,
Up to heaven, under the earth, looking everywhere.
Above, he searched the Green Void, below, the Yellow Spring;
But he failed, in either place, to find the one he looked for.
And then he heard accounts of an enchanted isle at sea,
A part of the intangible and incorporeal world,
With pavilions and fine towers in the five-coloured air,
And of exquisite immortals moving to and fro,
And of one among them-whom they called The Ever True-
With a face of snow and flowers resembling hers he sought.
So he went to the West Hall's gate of gold and knocked at the jasper door
And asked a girl, called Morsel-of-Jade, to tell The Doubly- Perfect.
And the lady, at news of an envoy from the Emperor of China,
Was startled out of dreams in her nine-flowered, canopy.
She pushed aside her pillow, dressed, shook away sleep,
And opened the pearly shade and then the silver screen.
Her cloudy hair-dress hung on one side because of her great haste,
And her flower-cap was loose when she came along the terrace,
While a light wind filled her cloak and fluttered with her motion
As though she danced The Rainbow Skirt and the Feathered Coat.
And the tear-drops drifting down her sad white face
Were like a rain in spring on the blossom of the pear.
But love glowed deep within her eyes when she bade him thank her liege,
Whose form and voice had been strange to her ever since their parting --
Since happiness had ended at the Court of the Bright Sun,
And moons and dawns had become long in Fairy-Mountain Palace.
But when she turned her face and looked down toward the earth
And tried to see the capital, there were only fog and dust.
So she took out, with emotion, the pledges he had given
And, through his envoy, sent him back a shell box and gold hairpin,
But kept one branch of the hairpin and one side of the box,
Breaking the gold of the hairpin, breaking the shell of the box;
"Our souls belong together," she said, " like this gold and this shell --
Somewhere, sometime, on earth or in heaven, we shall surely
And she sent him, by his messenger, a sentence reminding him
Of vows which had been known only to their two hearts:
"On the seventh day of the Seventh-month, in the Palace of Long Life,
We told each other secretly in the quiet midnight world
That we wished to fly in heaven, two birds with the wings of one,
And to grow together on the earth, two branches of one tree."
Earth endures, heaven endures; some time both shall end,
While this unending sorrow goes on and on for ever.

There are reportedly as many as 100 versions of the poem. Many as there are, they tell a beautiful tale of unending love as much as unending sorrow. This story also inspired a classic work of Japanese literature- Tale of Genji, written in the early 11th Century by Murasaki Shikibu declared to be the world's first novel.

At the end of it, my take is that for any dynasty, nation or society to prosper and thrive, it must nurture and promote their art and culture. For without them, people are merely roaming the earth in pursuit of material well being. Material well being cannot be sustained with just hard power alone. Soft power is as important if not more powerful, as has been demonstrated by the soft, beautiful and irresistible Yang GuiFei.